receivable management

Accounts receivable management


  • The possibility of creating an infinite number of customers' receivables.

  • The ability to follow up, update and extract the period in paying these receivables.

  • The ability to follow up the delays in paying receivables and its effect on financial movements within the system.

  • The ability to prepare and send invoices to the suitable address for the customer.

  • The ability to support discounts on receivables and customers and follow up the effect of discounts on results.

  • The possibility of setting a maximum limit for deferred payment and not accepting any requests after that

Accounts receivable reconstruction

Accounts receivable reconstruction report displays the amounts due from each customer according to specific periods that are set by the organization. As these mounts due are billed and not reimbursed during the period dates distributed in the report.

Accounts payable reconstruction

Accounts payable reconstruction report displays the amounts due from each supplier according to specific periods that are set by the organization.

Amounts due are billed and not reimbursed during the period dates distributed in the report.

Correct balances

A report that shows the correct balances of the indexes and the incorrect balances


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