Manufacturing Department

Manufacturing Department

With the greatly increase in human needs as a result of the huge developments that have occurred in human societies in recent centuries, the need has become urgent to meet these needs, by increasing production rates, and harnessing all energies, capabilities, and capacities for this, and this has led to the appearance of many important and new concepts, perhaps the most important one is the concept of industrialization. Industrialization is defined as the process by which goods are produced from raw materials in a manner that meets human needs, either directly or indirectly, and the industrialization process is one of the basic processes for the development of societies, and their growth, especially at the economic level, which encourage the person to develop them to increase production, and thus increase the volume of benefits accruing from it

Through our system, we have the possibility to create an operating order to manufacture one or more types of raw materials available in stores. The following is a detailed explanation of the stages for the item to be manufactured

First: the manufacturing settings

Defining the operating order accounts

The operating order accounts are defined, which are the account of damaged items and the account of items under production and finished items from the accounts guide to facilitate the administration’s work to follow up the manufacturing orders

 Defining the stages of the operating order

 In the definition of the stage, all the information regarding the stage (stage name - name of the item to be manufactured - the default store for the item after the end of the stage and its archiving ... etc)

Adding materials to the stage to be aware of the additional costs of the stage,

where the raw materials (items) that enter the stage are added and calculate the costs for them

Adding stage costs 

Where direct and indirect costs are entered into each stage of manufacturing stages

 Assigning accounts for the stages

The statement of special accounts in the stage either they were the inventory account for raw materials entering the phase or the account of production in operation

Third: Defining production lines

  •  Basic information for production lines

The basic data for the production line (the name of the production line - the item listed on this line ... etc) is entered

  •  The stages of production lines

Certain stages are set up on which the production line depends on, in which it is indicated (the time of completion of the manufactured unit and the capacity of the production line - the minimum quantity that can be produced on this line)

  •  Additional costs of production lines

adding the additional costs, either direct (costs added to the stages within the production line) or indirect (for example, maintenance of the machines on which the production line works)

  • Costs of operating production lines

Entering the operational costs of the production line, either direct (costs added to the stages within the production line) or indirect (for example, maintenance of the machine on which the production line works) and the expected cost of operating the line 

Fourth: The operation order

  • Through this screen, the operating order data is entered, which is (the item to be manufactured - its unit - the quantity to be manufactured - the default manufacturing store - the default store of the stages)

  • After saving, the manufacturing details appear in it, details of the stages and production lines included in the operating order, as in the following figure

  • When you click on " View ", the details of the raw materials included in the stage will appear

  • When you click on " production lines ", the details of the stages and their costs that are included in the production line on which the operating order is depends on is appeared.

  • When pressing “ Manufacturing ”, the product is manufactured at that stage. When pressing “ Final save ”, the item is completely manufactured and placed in the manufacturing store


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