The comprehensive resource planning (ERP) system has a great ease of work

The comprehensive resource planning (ERP) system has a great ease of work as has been focus on the user's comfort while using the program
It is one of our top priorities at work.
As a mechanism was implemented to support the user's ability to move between screens very quickly through the tree tab that supports speed and ease of work where you can create your own infinite tree tab with its arrangement to suit your organization and its business with the user ability to save specific pages that he can referred to later on in his home (main) screen, in order to access them quickly without the need to go to their place every time.
In addition, keyboard shortcuts have been activated, as the system supports performing all operations within the program via the keyboard without the need to use the mouse, which is a common and urgent requirement for most users, which supports and speeds up the use of the program and leads to the completion of tasks in the fastest time and in the least effort.
In addition, all the names within the program are scientific and have an operational meaning, that is, anyone can start exploring and browsing the system without the need for a guide and an assistant, thus any employee can master and perfect the system within a relatively short period.

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